Monday, March 2, 2015

Long Time...No Run

After our Valentine's 5k I decided to take a week off of running because of some feminine issues that I was having. The plan was to take one week off and come back strong the next week. There was one major problem though......

IT ICED/SNOWED the entire next week!!!!!

Living in Louisiana, we do not see much snow....we may get ice once every few years, but this was actual soft powdery snow! I built my very first decent sized snowman! We had a blast playing in the snow, but, alas, I could not run. Because we rarely have snow, Louisiana isn't really prepared for winter storms, so there was no driving to the track or running on slippery roads. 

I'm not going to lie, I had a great time playing in the snow. I loved being off work (schools were closed for 4 days). It was nice not having to run for two weeks, but it is time to get back on track. I'm just thankful that I didn't gain any weight back during the past two weeks.

I am still down 27 pounds!